Passenger series
Motorcycle series
Trailer series
Diplomatic series
Dealer series

Current passenger series since May 2004 in black on white.
The registration consists of two letters followed by a hyphen and four numerals.
Left of the registration is a blue euroband with the oval LV in white below the twelve European golden stars.

Current passenger series since May 2004 in black on white.
The registration consists of two letters followed by a hyphen and three numerals.
Left of the registration is a blue euroband with the oval LV in white below the twelve European golden stars.

Current passenger series since May 2004 in black on white.
The registration consists of two letters followed by a hyphen and two numerals.
Left of the registration is a blue euroband with the oval LV in white below the twelve European golden stars.

Current passenger series since May 2004 in black on white.
The registration consists of two letters followed by a hyphen and two numerals.
Left of the registration is a blue euroband with the oval LV in white below the twelve European golden stars.

Current reserved series since 2010 in black on white.
The registration consists of the letters VR followed by a hyphen and four numerals.
The letters VR are used for normal but out of sequence issue.
Left of the registration is a blue euroband with the oval LV in white below the twelve European golden stars.

Current personalized series since May 2004 in black on white.
The registration consists of two letters.
Left of the plate is a blue euroband with the oval LV in white below the twelve European golden stars.

Former passenger series issued between 1992 and May 2004 in black on white.
The registration consists of two letters followed by a hyphen and four numerals.
Left of the registration is the oval LV below the national flag.

Former passenger series issued between 1992 and May 2004 in black on white.
The registration consists of two letters followed by a hyphen and three numerals.
Left of the registration is the oval LV below the national flag.

Former passenger series issued between 1992 and May 2004 in black on white.
The registration consists of two letters followed by a hyphen and two numerals.
Left of the registration is the oval LV below the national flag.
Above the hyphen, you can clearly see the circular ministry stamp.

Former passenger series issued between 1992 and May 2004 in black on white.
The registration consists of two letters above four numerals.
Top left of the registration is the oval LV below the national flag.

Current motorcycle series since May 2004, smaller size plate in black on white.
The registration consists of the letter T followed by one letter above four numerals.
Left of the registration is a blue euroband with the oval LV in white below the twelve European golden stars.

Current trailer series since May 2004 in black on white.
The registration consists of one letter followed by a hyphen, three numerals and one letter. Format used since late 2020
Left of the registration is a blue euroband with the oval LV in white below the twelve European golden stars.

Current trailer series since May 2004 in black on white.
The registration consists of one letter followed by a hyphen and four numerals.
Left of the registration is a blue euroband with the oval LV in white below the twelve European golden stars.

Current trailer series since May 2004 in black on white.
The registration consists of one letter followed by a hyphen and three numerals.
Left of the registration is a blue euroband with the oval LV in white below the twelve European golden stars.

Former trailer series issued between 1992 and May 2004 in black on white.
The registration consists of one letter followed by a hyphen and four numerals.
Left of the registration is the oval LV below the national flag.

Former trailer series issued between 1992 and May 2004 in black on white.
The registration consists of one letter followed by a hyphen and three numerals.
Left of the registration is the oval LV below the national flag.

Current diplomatic series, front plate in black on red.
The registration consists of the letters CD, followed by a hyphen and four numerals.
CD stands for Diplomatic Corps. The first two numerals denote the embassy where 19 stands for the Netherlands.

Current diplomatic series, rear plate in black on red.
The registration consists of the letters CD, followed by a hyphen and four numerals.
CD stands for Diplomatic Corps. The first two numerals denote the embassy where 19 stands for the Netherlands.

Current dealer series since May 2004 in red on white.
The registration consists of one letter, followed by three numerals, a hyphen and one numeral.
The first letter indicates the type of vehicle where B stands for cars.
The last numeral indicates the year of expiry where 6 stands for 2016.
Left of the registration is a blue euroband with the oval LV in white below the twelve European golden stars.