Passenger series
Trailer series
Temporary Trailer series
Diplomatic series
Other series
Pictures of the entire code list

Current passenger series since 20th September 2004 in black on white, front plate.
The registration consists of three letters, followed by three numerals, no coding anymore.
To the left is a blue euroband with the oval LT below the twelve golden European stars.
Since April 2018 no seals are incorporated anymore.

Current passenger series since 20th September 2004 in black on white, front plate.
The registration consists of three letters, followed by three numerals, no coding anymore.
To the left is a blue euroband with the oval LT below the twelve golden European stars.
In the middle of the registration are two seals incorporated.

Current passenger series since 20th September 2004 in black on white, front plate.
The registration consists of three letters, followed by three numerals, no coding anymore.
To the left is a blue euroband with the oval LT below the twelve golden European stars.
In the middle of the registration are two seals incorporated.

Current passenger series since 20th September 2004 in black on white, US style plate.
The registration consists of three letters, followed by three numerals, no coding anymore.
To the left is a blue euroband with the oval LT below the twelve golden European stars.
At the bottom of the registration are two seals incorporated.

Former passenger series issued between May 2004 and September 2004 in black on white.
The registration consists of three letters, followed by three numerals, no coding anymore.
To the left is a blue band with the national flag above the oval LT.
Left to the registration are two seals incorporated.

Former passenger series issued between May 2004 and September 2004 in black on white.
The registration consists of three letters, followed by three numerals, no coding anymore.
To the left is a blue band with the national flag above the oval LT.
Left to the registration are two seals incorporated.

Former passenger series issued between May 2004 and September 2004 in black on white.
The registration consists of three letters, followed by three numerals, no coding anymore.
To the left is a blue band with the national flag above the oval LT.
Left to the registration are two seals incorporated.

Former passenger series issued between 1st July 1992 and April 2004 in black on white.
The registration consists of three letters followed by three numerals.
In the middle of the registration are a national seal and safety inspection seal.
To the left is a blue band with the national flag above the oval LT.
No more district code since 2003.

Former passenger series issued between 1st July 1992 and April 2004 in black on white.
The registration consists of three letters followed by three numerals.
In the middle of the registration are a national seal and safety inspection seal.
To the left is a blue band with the national flag above the oval LT.
Until 2003, the second letter denotes the district where M stands for Marijampole.

Former passenger series issued between 1st July 1992 and April 2004 in black on white.
The registration consists of three letters followed by three numerals.
In the middle of the registration are a national seal and safety inspection seal.
To the left is a blue band with the national flag above the oval LT.
Until 2003, the second letter denotes the district where V stands for Vilnius.

Former passenger series issued between 1st July 1992 and April 2004 in black on white.
The registration consists of three letters followed by three numerals, two line plates start with the letter Z.
In the middle of the registration are a national seal and safety inspection seal.
To the left is a blue band with the national flag above the oval LT.
No more district code since 2003.

Former passenger series issued between 1st July 1992 and April 2004 in black on white.
The registration consists of three letters above three numerals, two line plates start with the letter Z.
Left is a blue band with the national flag above the oval LT.
No more district code since 2003.
Note that this plate was seen on a traler while not being a trailer plate.

Former passenger series issued between 1st July 1992 and April 2004, smaller size plate in black on white.
The registration consists of three letters, followed by three numerals.
Left of the registration are a national seal and safety inspection seal.
Top left is a blue band with the national flag above the oval LT.
No more district code since 2003.

Current trailer series since September 2004 in black on white.
The registration consists of two letters, followed by three numerals, no coding anymore.
To the left is a blue euroband with the oval LT in white below the twelve European golden stars.
Left of the registration are two seals incorporated.

Current trailer series since 20th September 2004 in black on white, US style plate.
The registration consists of two letters, followed by three numerals, no coding anymore.
To the left is a blue euroband with the oval LT in white below the twelve European golden stars.

Current trailer series since 20th September 2004 in black on white, US style plate.
The registration consists of two letters, followed by three numerals, no coding anymore.
To the left is a blue euroband with the oval LT in white below the twelve European golden stars.
At the bottom of the registration are two seals incorporated.

Former trailer series issued between end May 2004 and September 2004 in black on white.
The registration consists of two letters, followed by three numerals, no coding anymore.
To the left is a blue band with the national flag above the oval LT.
Left of the registration are two seals incorporated.

Former trailer series issued between 1st July 1992 and April 2004 in black on white.
The registration consists of two letters, followed by three numerals.
Until 2003, the second letter on single line trailer plates denotes the district where K stands for Kaunas.
To the left is a blue band with the national flag above the oval LT.
In the middle of the registration are two seals incorporated.

Former trailer series issued between 1st July 1992 and April 2004 in black on white.
The registration consists of two letters, above three numerals.
Until 2003, the first letter on two line trailer plates denotes the district where U stands for Utena.
Top left is a blue band with the national flag above the oval LT.
Bottom left of the registration are two seals incorporated.

Current temporary series since 20th September 2004 in red on white.
The registration consists of one letter, followed by four numerals and two numerals.
To the left is a blue euroband with the oval LT below the twelve golden European stars.
The first letter P is used for dealers. while the last two numerals denote the year where 07 stands for 2007.

Current temporary trailer series red on white.
The registration consists of one letter and one numeral, followed by three numerals.
The first letter A stands for Delivery plates.
To the left of the plate is a blue band with the national flag above the oval LT.
In the middle of the registration are two seals incorporated.

Current temporary trailer series red on white.
The registration consists of one letter and one numeral, followed by three numerals.
The first letter A stands for Delivery plates.
To the left of the plate is a blue band with the national flag above the oval LT.
In the middle of the registration are two seals incorporated.

Current diplomatic series since 2004 in white on green.
The registration consists of two numerals, followed by one numeral and three numerals.
The first two numerals indicate the embassy where 24 stands for Belarus.
The third numeral indicates the vehicle class where 2 stands for embassy owned vehicles.
Left of the registration are two seals incorporated.

Former diplomatic series issued between 1992 and end 2004 in white on green.
The registration consists of the letter D, followed by three numerals and two numerals.
The last two numerals denote the year of registration where 04 stands for 2004.

Former diplomatic series issued between 1992 and end 2004 in white on green.
The registration consists of the letter D, followed by three numerals and two numerals.
The last two numerals denote the year of registration where 02 stands for 2002.

Former diplomatic series issued between 1992 and end 2004 in white on green.
The registration consists of the letter D, followed by three numerals and two numerals.
The last two numerals denote the year of registration where 01 stands for 2001.

Unofficial series in black on white.
The registration consists of three letters, followed by three numerals, no coding anymore.
To the left is a blue euroband with the oval LT below the twelve golden European stars.
Although it matches a passenger series, it was seen on a trailer, together with a Spanish registration.

Unofficial series in black on white.
The registration consists of three letters, followed by three numerals, no coding anymore.
To the left is a blue euroband with the oval LT below the twelve golden European stars.
Although it matches a passenger series, it was seen on a trailer, together with a Spanish registration.
Lithuanian vehicle registration plates start with a group of letters, the
second indicating the district of registration.
Pictures of the entire code list
A |
Alytus |
J |
Jurbarkas |
K |
Kaunas |
L |
Klaipeda |
M |
Marijampole |
P |
Panévezys |
S |
Šiauliai |
T |
Telšiai |
U |
Utena |
V |
Vilnius |