USA Official
More information on the different states of the USA
Diplomatic series
Official series
Forces in Germany series
Forces in Italy series
Forces in Europe series
Military series
Temporary series
Other series
Consular series since 1985 in blue on white.
The registration consists of two letters, followed by four numerals.
The two letters denote the country where LJ stands for Israel.
At the top of the plate is a blue band with CONSUL in white capitals.
At the left hand side of the plate is the letter C in white.
At the bottom of the plate is in a red band the text "Issued by and Property of The United States Department of State".
Bottom right is a revalidation sticker.
Current official series issued since 2002 in blue on white.
The registration consists of G41, descending aligned, followed by five numerals.
G41 is issued for interagency motor pool system for trucks of half ton.
At the top of the plate is U.S. GOVERNMENT in blue capitals.
At the bottom of the plate is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY in blue capitals.
The background shows the American flag.
Former official series issued between 1980 and 2002 in blue on white.
The registration consists of G14, descending aligned, followed by five numerals.
G14 is issued for interagency motor pool system for large cars.
At the top of the plate is U.S. GOVERNMENT in blue capitals.
Former official series issued between 1980 and 2002 in blue on white.
The registration consists of G41, descending aligned, followed by five numerals.
G41 is issued for interagency motor pool system for trucks of half ton.
At the top of the plate is U.S. GOVERNMENT in blue capitals.
Former official series issued between 1980 and 2002 in blue on white.
The registration consists of G43, descending aligned, followed by five numerals.
G43 is issued for interagency motor pool system for trucks of one ton.
At the top of the plate is U.S. GOVERNMENT in blue capitals.
Former Official United States Forces in Germany series in black on white.
The registration consists of the letters EX, followed by a hyphen and four numerals.
The letters EX stand for European Forces Exchange Area.
At the top of the plate is U.S.FORCES in black capitals.
Former Official United States Forces in Germany series in black on yellow.
The registration consists of the letters EX, followed by a hyphen and four numerals.
The letters EX stand for European Forces Exchange Area.
At the top of the plate is U.S.FORCES in black capitals.
Former United States Forces in Germany series issued between July 1982 and the end of 1999 in black on white.
The registration consists of two letters, followed by four numerals, in between which is USA, vertically aligned.
United States Forces in Germany motorcycle series since 1982 in black on white.
The registration consists of one letter, followed by a hyphen and four numerals.
Above the serial letter is the letter M (motorcycle) and at the top of the plate is USA in black.
At the top right is a revalidation sticker.
Allied Forces in Italy series since October 1968 in black on white.
The registration consists of one letter, followed by a hyphen and five numerals.
The letter denotes the base where V stands for Vicenza.
At the top of the plate is AFI (Allied Forces Italy).
Allied Forces in Italy series since October 1968 in black on white.
The registration consists of one letter, followed by a hyphen and five numerals.
The letter denotes the base where U stands for Udine.
At the top of the plate is AFI (Allied Forces Italy).
Allied Forces in Italy series since October 1968, front plate in black on white.
The registration consists of one letter, followed by five numerals.
The letter denotes the base where N stands for Napoli.
At the top of the plate is AFI (Allied Forces Italy).
Allied Forces in Italy series since October 1968, rear plate in black on white.
The registration consists of one letter, followed by five numerals.
The letter denotes the base where N stands for Napoli.
At the top of the plate is AFI (Allied Forces Italy).
Allied Forces in Italy series since October 1968 in black on white.
The registration consists of one letter, followed by a hyphen and five numerals.
The letter denotes the base where N stands for Napoli.
At the top of the plate is AFI (Allied Forces Italy).
Official Allied Forces in Italy series since October 1968 in black on white.
The registration consists of one letter, followed by a hyphen and four numerals.
The letter denotes the base where V stands for Vicenza.
At the top of the plate is AFI OFFICIAL (Allied Forces Italy) in black capitals.
The registration V-0001 through V-3999 are reserved for SETAF vehicles (Southern European TAsk Force).
United States Military in Europe series since 1978.
The registration consists of two letters, followed by four numerals.
At the top of the plate is U.S.ARMY in black capitals.
The registrations all started from CA.
United States Military in Europe series since 1978.
The registration consists of two letters, followed by four numerals.
At the top of the plate is U.S.ARMY in black capitals.
The registrations all started from CA.
Unknown United States Forces in Germany series in black on white.
The registration consists of two letters, followed by two numerals and two letters.
At the top of the plate is U.S.ARMY in black capitals.
US military identification numbes, in black on a yellow.
Both vehicles belong to the 37th Transportation Command (37TC), 28th Transportation BN (28T) and 68th Transportation CO (68).
The last digits are the units vehicle number.
The registration number for military vehicle is not visible from the outside they are on the inside of the vehicles.
American Military series in blue on white.
The registration consists of two numerals and one letter, followed by four numerals.
The first two numerals denote the year of issue where 02 stands for 2002.
The letter denotes the vehicle type where B stands for Normal civilian type vehicles.
At the top of the plate is U S AIR FORCE in blue capitals.
At the bottom of the plate is OFFICIAL USE ONLY in blue capitals.
American Military series in blue on white.
The registration consists of one numeral and one letter, followed by a hyphen and three numerals.
The first numeral denote the year of issue where 0 stands for 2000.
The letter denotes the vehicle type where V is an unknown code.
At the top of the plate is U S AIR FORCE in blue capitals.
At the bottom of the plate is OFFICIAL USE ONLY in blue capitals.
This plate was seen in Tokyo, Japan.
American Military series in blue on white.
The registration consists of two numerals and one letter, followed by four numerals.
The first two numerals denote the year of issue where 02 stands for 2002.
The letter denotes the vehicle type where B stands for Normal civilian type vehicles.
At the top of the plate is U.S. AIR FORCE in blue capitals.
At the bottom of the plate is OFFICIAL USE ONLY in blue capitals.
American Military series in blue on white.
The registration consists of two numerals and one letter, followed by four numerals.
The first two numerals denote the year of issue where 02 stands for 2002.
The letter denotes the vehicle type where B stands for Normal civilian type vehicles.
At the top of the plate is U.S. AIR FORCE in blue capitals.
At the bottom of the plate is FOR (!) OFFICIAL USE ONLY in blue capitals.
Note that the background shows the American flag.
Temporary license plate, issued by the US department of state, in blue on white.
The registration consists of the letter Z, followed by five numerals.
The registration is valid until December 1th 2004. Other information is the make (Volkswagen), the year (2001),
the body (4D) and a serial number (3VWSG29M31M018932).
At the top of the registration is TEMPORARY LICENSE PLATE in blue capitals.
At the bottom of the plate is ISSUED BY THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE in blue capitals.
Temporary license plate in blue on white, issued by the US department of state.
The registration consists of the letter Z, followed by five numerals.
The handwritten expiry date is October 25th 2007.
Other information is the make (Honda), the year (2004), the body (SV) and a serial number (5FMRLI88X48087055).
At the bottom of the plate is ISSUED BY THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE in blue capitals.
Temporary license plate, issued by the US department of state, in blue on white.
The registration consists of the letter Z, followed by five numerals.
The registration is valid until September 29 2009. Other information is the make (Honda), the year (2009),
the body (4W) and a serial number (5J6RE48729LO22234).
At the top of the registration is TEMPORARY LICENSE PLATE in blue capitals.
At the bottom of the plate is ISSUED BY THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE in blue capitals.
This plate was seen in November 2009 although the expiry date of September 29, 2009.
Temporary license plate, issued by the US department of state, in blue on white.
The registration consists of the letter Z, followed by five numerals.
The registration is valid until September 29 2009. Other information is the make (Volkswagen), the year (2002),
the body (4D) and a serial number (3VWSK69M62M147299).
At the top of the registration is TEMPORARY LICENSE PLATE in blue capitals.
At the bottom of the plate is ISSUED BY THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE in blue capitals.
Temporary series in black on white.
The registration consists of the letter T, followed by a hyphen and six numerals.
The date of issue is May 23, 2008 and the registration is valid until June 23th 2008 (seen on June 20th 2008).
Other information is the make (Mercedes), the colour (black) and a serial number.
Bottom right is TEMPORARY in black capitals.
Unknown American Military series.
The registration consists of three letters (always SVS ?), followed by a hyphen and three numerals.
At the top of the plate is KLEINE BROGEL/USAF B and at the bottom is BEPERKTE VERSPREIDING.
Kleine Brogel is a small village in Belgium with a major US military base and allegedly the only place
in Belgium were nuclear weapons are stored. USAF B stands for USA forces in Belgium.
Beperkte verspreiding means limited distribution in Dutch.