Passenger series
Trailer series
Diplomatic series
Motorcycle series
Transit series
Pictures of the entire code list

Current passenger series since July 1992 in black on white.
The registration consists of two letters, followed by four numerals and two letters.
The first two letters denote the region where CA stands for Sofia.
Since 2008 is left of the registration a blue euroband with the oval BG in white below the twelve golden European flags.

Current passenger series since July 1992 in black on white.
The registration consists of one letter, followed by four numerals and two letters.
The first letter denotes the region where B stands for Varna.
Since 2008 is left of the registration a blue euroband with the oval BG in white below the twelve golden European flags.

Current passenger series since July 1992 in black on white.
The registration consists of two letters, followed by four numerals and two letters.
The first two letters denote the region where PB stands for Plovdiv.
Since 2008 is left of the registration a blue euroband with the oval in white below the twelve golden European flags.
Note that this plate displays an E oval instead of a BG oval. The truck carrying this trailer was a Spanish one.

Current passenger series since July 1992 in black on white.
The registration consists of two letters, followed by two letters above four numerals.
The first two letters denote the region where CA stands for Sofia.
Since 2008 is top left of the registration a blue euroband with the oval in white below the twelve golden European flags.

Current passenger series since July 1992 in black on white.
The registration consists of one letter, followed by four numerals and two letters.
The first letter denotes the region where A stands for Burgas.
Since 2000 is left of the registration a blue band with the oval BG in white below the Bulgarian flag.

Current passenger series since July 1992 in black on white.
The registration consists of one letter, followed by four numerals and two letters.
The first letter denotes the region where T stands for Targovište.
Since 2000 is left of the registration a blue band with the oval BG in white below the Bulgarian flag.

Current passenger series since July 1992 in black on white.
The registration consists of two letters, followed by four numerals and two letters.
The first two letters denote the region where CC stands for Silistra.
Since 2000 is left of the registration a blue band with the oval BG in white below the Bulgarian flag.

Current passenger series since July 1992 in black on white.
The registration consists of one letter, followed by two letters above four numerals.
The first letter denotes the region where E stands for Blagoevgrad.
Since 2000 is top left of the registration a blue band with the oval BG in white below the Bulgarian flag.

Current passenger series since July 1992 in black on white.
The registration consists of two letters, followed by two letters above four numerals.
The first two letters denote the region where KH stands for Kjustendil.
Since 2000 is top left of the registration a blue band with the oval BG in white below the Bulgarian flag.

Former passenger series issued between 1992 and 2000 in black on white.
The registration consists of two letters, followed by a seal, four numerals and two letters.
The first letter denotes the region where BT stands for Veliko Turnovo.

Former passenger series issued between 1992 and 2000 in black on white.
The registration consists of one letter, followed by a seal, four numerals and two letters.
The first letter denotes the region where C stands for Sofia.

Former passenger series issued between 1992 and 2000 in black on white.
The registration consists of one letter, a seal and two letters above four numerals.
The first letter denotes the region where C stands for Sofia.

Former passenger series issued between 1992 and 2000 in black on white.
The registration consists of two letters, followed by four numerals and one letter.
The first two letters denotes the region where BH stands for Vidin.

Former passenger series issued between 1992 and 2000 in black on white.
The registration consists of two letters, followed by a period, four numerals, a period and one letter.
The first two letters denotes the region where EH stands for Pleven.

Former passenger series issued between 1992 and 2000 in black on white.
The registration consists of one letter, followed by a seal, four numerals and two letters.
The first letter denotes the region where C stands for Sofia.

Former passenger series issued between 1992 and 2000 in black on white.
The registration consists of one letter, followed by a seal, four numerals and two letters.
The first letter denotes the region where K stands for Kardžali.

Current trailer series since July 1992 in black on white.
The registration consists of one letter, followed by four numerals, the letter E and one letter.
The first letter denotes the region where M stands for Montana, while the letter E stands for trailer.
Since 2008 is left of the registration a blue euroband with the oval BG in white below the twelve golden European flags.

Current trailer series since July 1992 in black on white.
The registration consists of two letters, followed by four numerals, the letter E and one letter.
The first two letters denote the region where PB stands for Plovdiv, while the letter E stands for trailer.
Since 2008 is left of the registration a blue euroband with the oval BG in white below the twelve golden European flags.

Current trailer series since July 1992 in black on white.
The registration consists of one letter, followed by the letter E and one letter above four numerals.
The first letter denotes the region where C stands for Spfia, while the letter E stands for trailer.
Since 2008 is top left of the registration a blue euroband with the oval BG in white below the twelve golden European flags.

Current trailer series since July 1992 in black on white.
The registration consists of one letter, followed by four numerals, the letter E and one letter.
The first letter denotes the region where X stands for Khaskovo, while the letter E stands for trailer.
Between 2000 and 2008 is left of the registration a blue band with the oval BG in white below the Bulgarian flag.

Current trailer series since July 1992 in black on white.
The registration consists of two letters, followed by four numerals, the letter E and one letter.
The first two letters denote the region where BP stands for Vratsa, while the letter E stands for trailer.
Between 2000 and 2008 is left of the registration a blue band with the oval BG in white below the Bulgarian flag.

Current trailer series since 1992 in black on white.
The registration consists of two letters, followed by the letter E and one letter above four numerals.
The first two letters denote the region where PB stands for Plovdiv, while the letter E stands for trailer.
Between 2000 and 2008 is top left of the registration a blue band with the oval BG in white below the Bulgarian flag.

Former trailer series issued between 1992 and 2000 in black on white.
The registration consists of two letters, followed by the letter E above four numerals.
The first two letters denote the region where CH stands for Sliven, while the letter E stands for trailer.

Former trailer series issued between 1992 and 2000 in black on white.
The registration consists of two letters, followed by the letter E and one letter above four numerals.
The first two letters denote the region where PA stands for Pazardžik, while the letter E stands for trailer.

Former trailer series issued between 1992 and 2000 in black on white.
The registration consists of one letter, followed by the letter E and one letter above four numerals.
The first two letters denote the region where X stands for Haskovo, while the letter E stands for trailer.

Current diplomatic series since 2000 in white on red.
The registration consists of the letter C (Diplomatic Corps), followed by four numerals.
Right of the registration are two smaller numerals, below a horizontal line, denoting the year of validation (2016).
The first two numerals denote the embassy where 11 stands for Belgium.
Since 2008 is left of the registration a blue euroband with the oval BG in white below the twelve golden European flags.

Current diplomatic series since 2000 in white on red.
The registration consists of the letter C (Diplomatic Corps), followed by four numerals.
Right of the registration are two smaller numerals, below a horizontal line, denoting the year of validation (2007).
The first two numerals denote the embassy where 81 stands for EU.

Current diplomatic series in white on red.
The registration consists of the letter C (Diplomatic Corps), followed by four numerals.
Right of the registration are two smaller numerals, below a horizontal line, denoting the year of validation (2007).
The first two numerals denote the embassy where 81 stands for EU.

Former diplomatic series in white on red.
The registration consists of the letter CT (Technical Assistance), followed by four numerals.
Right of the registration are two smaller numerals, denoting the year of validation (2003).
The first two numerals denote the embassy where 08 stands for France.

Current motorcycle series since July 1992 in black on white.
The registration consists of one letter, followed by one letter above four numerals.
The first letter denotes the region where C stands for Sofia.

Current transit series in black on white.
The registration consists of the three numerals, followed by the letter H, and three numerals.
The letter H IS USED for vehicles to be exported.
Left of the registration is a blue band with the oval BG in white below the twelve golden European stars.
Right pf the registration is a red panel with two numerals denoting the month above two denoting the year (September 2016) in black.
Bulgarian license plates since 1992 start with a group of letters (one or two) indicating the region.
Only letters common to the Latin and Cyrillic script are used.
Pictures of the entire code list
A |
Burgas |
B |
Varna |
BH |
Vidin |
BP |
Vraca |
BT |
Veliko Tarnovo |
C |
Sofija |
CA |
Sofiya 05- |
CC |
Silistra |
CH |
Sliven |
CM |
Smoljan |
CO |
Sofija - okolí |
CT |
Stara Zagora |
E |
Blagoevgrad |
EB |
Gabrovo |
EH |
Pleven |
H |
Šumen |
K |
Kardžali |
KH |
Kjustendil |
M |
Montana |
OB |
Lovec |
P |
Ruse |
PA |
Pazardžik |
PB |
Plovdiv |
PK |
Pernik |
PP |
Razgrad |
T |
Targovište |
TX |
Dobrih |
X |
Haskovo |
Y |
Jambol |